We’re reflecting on a year that has been undeniably challenging for everyone. Tough times have fallen upon so many people out there, especially with the effects of the cost-of-living crisis, but in the midst of these difficulties, we find ourselves with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, knowing that our work matters now more than ever. At Hopestead, we believe that everyone deserves a place to call home, a place that not only provides shelter but also offers the necessary elements for people to thrive. It is a fundamental human right, and we stand committed to making this vision a reality.
Our Impact Report for 2022-23 showcases the things we’ve been able to achieve in the past 12 months, and highlights the impacts we’ve had on people and communities in the East of England. We recognise that homelessness is not an isolated issue; it affects the wider community and places an enormous strain on the public purse. But together, we are determined to create a brighter future where everyone has a place to call home.
We invite you to take a few minutes to read through this report. It shows the positive impacts of the partnerships we’ve forged, the help we’ve given to other organisations that share our purpose and values, and the very real ways we’ve improved the lives of people in need of support.
Read the report here.