
It’s our huge pleasure to announce the 11 charities and social enterprises that will be receiving #HopeFunds grants, supporting thousands of people across the region. 

All of these organisations are working to address homelessness across the #eastofEngland in different ways and we’re delighted to support them.

Lucy, our Head of Operations, said: “It’s an honour to work alongside such dedicated partners, and I’m inspired by their passion and commitment to ending homelessness.”

We’ve been able to support 30 organisations with almost half a million pounds in the last three years of Hope Funds, which in turn has helped more than 38,000 people. We can’t wait to see all the extra help we can give. 

To learn more about the organisations receiving Hope Funds grants and their projects, read the full story on our website: https://www.hopestead.org/2024/11/18/150000-funding-boost-for-groups-across-the-east-of-england/ 

The organisations are: 
@brecklandchildrensclothescty, Cambridge Women’s Aid, @hianorwich, Norfolk Community Law Service, @seligsuffolktrust, @svpenglandwales, @sue.lambert.trust, @charitytbf, @this.cic, @the_magdalene_group, @wintercomfortforthehomeless

#endhomelessness #Hopestead #partnershipworking
🐇🎨 Hopestead is proud to be one of the sponsors of @stelizabethhospice Hop To It! Suffolk 2025 art trail.

Our head of operations Lucy and CEO Marie-Claire recently went down to the art matching evening, and it's fair to say had a wonderful time! There were a lot of incredible designs to choose between, so while it was a bit of a challenge picking the perfect hare for us, it was definitely an exciting one.

We’re absolutely buzzing to be part of Hop To It! Suffolk 2025 — bring it on! 

#charity #fundraising #hoptoit #stelizabethhopsice #hopestead
✨ Hopestead’s Impact Report 2023-24 - #VoiceofHope ✨
Watch the highlights from our Impact Report – this week, we’re focusing on our next project #VoiceofHope

We’re incredibly proud of what we’ve already achieved, and we’re excited about our plans for the next 12 months.

📣 We plan to support a growing number of people and launch a new project called Voice of Hope.
Voice of Hope will campaign for better outcomes for those we support by raising awareness of homelessness and the importance of housing in general. 

🏛️ We will urge politicians and policymakers to drive long-term, positive changes that can end homelessness for good. 

We’re ambitious and determined to break the cycle of homelessness. We know this can only be done by working in partnership with others. But we must act. At Hopestead, we believe that doing nothing is not an option. 

Because everyone deserves a place to call home.

#Hopestead #impact #impactreport #charity #homelessness #homelessnesssupport #endhomelessness #EastofEngland #EastAnglia
✨ Hopestead’s Impact Report 2023-24 - #BuildingHope ✨
Watch the highlights from our Impact Report – this week, we’re focusing on #BuildingHope

🧱 For Building Hope, we partnered with charities and developers to find innovative ways of building and funding additional homelessness accommodation.

🤝 Working in partnership with the charities @emmaus_suffolk and @new_meaning_foundation, we opened Hopestead Place.

🏠🏠 This consists of two self-contained, modular homes in Ipswich, which people can use while they’re transitioning out of homelessness. And we've just celebrated the site's 1st birthday - read all about our first successful year by going to Stories at the 🔗 in our bio.

🏆 What’s more, we were honoured to win a #HousingDigital Award in February for Hopestead Place, for the best use of an emerging technology in housebuilding! 

#Hopestead #impact #impactreport #charity #homelessness #homelessnesssupport #endhomelessness #EastofEngland #EastAnglia
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