The Norfolk Strategic Housing Partnership was formed to ensure anyone sleeping rough in Norfolk had access to safe accommodation as part of the Government’s ‘Everybody In’ initiative. It went on to develop an ambitious No Homelessness in Norfolk strategy.
We know times are tough, but please don’t wait to ask for help. Help is available now.
You can call the NCAN helpline 10am-4pm Mon-Fri on 0333 996 8333 or email them at
You can find help with living costs and local places of support at And you can get help from Shelter at
About Us
No Homelessness in Norfolk is a partnership of people who are working to prevent homelessness across the county. There are over 100 of us, working at over 45 organisations, who all share the same ambitious vision to end homelessness.
We came together during ‘Everyone In’ to co-ordinate Norfolk’s accommodation of more than 650 people who were homeless or at risk of homelessness during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. We decided that we did not want to go back to the way things were before. Instead, we wanted to continue working together to alleviate rough sleeping and end homelessness in Norfolk.
The Norfolk Strategic Housing Partnership is a group of system leaders from across public and voluntary sectors including housing, health, police, probation, adult and children’s social services, the Department for Work and Pensions and all Norfolk Local Authorities. The partners meet quarterly to solve some of the biggest challenges facing Norfolk’s housing system.
The Norfolk Homelessness Solutions Forum is an operational group whose goal is to drive forward the actions of the Norfolk Homelessness Prevention Strategy, guided by the Norfolk Strategic Housing Partnership. The forum is chaired by Shelter and meets monthly online.
Our Work
Together, we have developed the Norfolk Homelessness Charter, commissioned a county wide Listening Exercise and in April 2022 published The Norfolk Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2022-2025. All of these documents are available for you to read below.
The Norfolk Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2022-2025
Our strategy has four priorities:
- Reduce homelessness by focussing on homelessness prevention services.
- Improve access to homelessness support services across Norfolk.
- Continue to develop person-centred services with a focus on co-production.
- Continue to build partnership working to improve collaboration and whole systems change.
To make sure we achieve this, we have an action plan and cross-organisational working groups, led by the Norfolk Homelessness Solutions Forum.
A key principle of No Homelessness in Norfolk is that this collaboration should not be limited to those who already hold power, but that true positive change could only come about by incorporating the expertise of front-facing colleagues and experts by experience (people who have lived experience of homelessness). Since April 2022, we’ve been working with Groundswell to develop our approach to coproduction and have produced 5 Local Action Plans following in-person Speakout! Events held around the county in September 2022. These are available to download below.
If you’d like any more information about our work, or find out how you could be involved, get in touch with the Project Manager for No Homelessness in Norfolk by emailing